The European Union has set ambitious objectives on renewable energy and sustainable biofuels to tackle the challenges of climate change and energy security. In 2009, 12.1 Mtoe (million tonnes of oil equivalent) of biofuels were consumed in the EU 27, accounting for 4 % of road transport fuels. Sustainable biofuels are expected to make a significant contribution to reach the EU 2020 target of 10% renewable energies in the transport sector, as other renewable energies for transport are not yet widely available.



Europe’s electricity networks have provided the vital links between electricity producers and consumers for many decades and still continue to do so. Europe’s electric power system is one of the largest technical systems in the world serving 430 million people, with 230,000 km of transmission lines at the highest voltage levels of between 220kV and 400 kV and 5,000,000 km of distribution lines at medium and low voltage levels. With all the stations, support systems, etc., the investment in European electricity grids until now exceeds EUR 600 billion (some EUR 1,500 per citizen).




The European energy market is driven by a growing number of factors, ranging from the impacts of climate change, the depletion of oil and gas, the high costs and the unpredictable supply of fuel, and the prices of CO2 allowances. A strong wind energy sector does not only mean reduced CO2, cleaner air, and secure biodiversity but also sustainable economic growth, reduced dependence on energy imports, high quality jobs, technological development, global competitiveness and European industrial and research leadership.




A strong photovoltaic (PV) energy sector does not only mean reduced CO2 but also sustainable economic growth, reduced energy import dependence, high-quality jobs, technology development, global competitiveness, and European industrial and research leadership.




Experts agree that unless we cut greenhouse gas emissions – especially carbon dioxide (CO2) – by 50%-80% (compared to today) by 2050, the impact on global warming will be disastrous. But with world energy demand expected to double by this date, the challenge will be enormous. It means we must act fast, using a portfolio of solutions, since no single solution will be capable of reducing CO2 emissions on the massive scale required. This includes renewable energies, energy efficiency, and CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS). Indeed if deployed in all industry sectors, CCS has a potential to reduce CO2 emissions by over 50% by 2050.




SNE-TP is promoting the closer integration between European researchers and industry though the definition and implementation of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and corresponding Deployment Strategy in the field of nuclear systems and safety. The primary aim is to ensure a more efficient and effective strategic approach to the carrying out of R&D in this field, thereby maintaining Europe’s R&D leadership in the nuclear research sector and providing a firm basis for a continued and ultimately more sustainable exploitation of nuclear energy while ensuring a high level of nuclear safety.




Combating climate change and ensuring the security of energy supply represent profound challenges for Europe. Adapting the current energy scenario into a truly sustainable one will require realising the full potential of renewable energy sources to satisfy the heating and cooling demand – which accounts for around half of the EU’s final energy consumption.
